
Phasemation's history

Last update: May. 1st, 2023


  • Kyodo Denshi System was established as a private limited company. OEM production and commission production for electronic measurement instruments started. Around the same time, the works of car electronics design and development were entrusted.


  • We were reorganized into Kyodo Denshi System Co., Ltd. The magnetic head tester started to be released as our brand.


  • The OEM production of MC stepup transformer for worldwide audio brand, K company, started.
  • The OEM production of institutional use D/A converter, A/D converter and others for V company started.


  • The OEM production of D/A converter and others for C company started.


  • High-end audio brand, "Phase Tech", started.
  • MC Phono Cartridge, "P-1" was released as the first product of Phase Tech. The stainless body and rosewood cover were adopted.
  • MC stepup transformer, Phase Tech "T-1" was released.


  • CD transport with top loading system, Phase Tech "CT-1" was released. The original mounting system for which the drive mechanism (EXU901A made by Victor Co. of Japan, Ltd.) and main PCBs were hung from the top board made by accurately polishing 23mm aluminum block was adopted.
  • Tube phono equalizer, Phase Tech "EA-1" was released. The MM and MC systems can be accepted. T-1 was built into it. Eight tubes, two 12AX7A, two 12AT7A, two 12AU7A and two 6X4, are used.
  • Phono equalizer only for MM input without stepup transformer, "EA-1s" was also released at the same time.


  • KYODO DENSHI ENGINEERING CO., LTD has been established by splitting up Kyodo Denshi System Co., Ltd with aiming to enhance the expertise of in-vehicle devices.


  • MC phono cartridge, Phase Tech "P-3" was released. Its body was made of duralumin and it was coated with DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) having high hardness.
  • Stepup transformer, Phase Tech "T-3" was released.
  • Head shell, Phase Tech "CS-1" was released. Its duralumin body was made by carving and it was coated with DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) having high hardness.


  • Semiconductor system Phono equalizer, Phase Tech "EA-3" was released. The MM and MC systems can be accepted.
  • Tube preamplifier, Phase Tech "CA-1" was released. The volume adjustment system without power loss of which the technology is patented was adopted. Four tubes, two 12AX7A and two 6X4, are used.


  • Tube phono equalizer, Phase Tech "EA-1II" was released. It can accept MC input only. The power transformer designed to decrease leakage magnetic flux and to decrease vibration was adopted. Eight tubes, four 12AX7A, two 12AU7A and two 6X4, are used.
  • Phono equalizer only for MM input without step up transformer, "EA-1IIs" was also released at the same time.
  • Semiconductor system preamplifier, Phase Tech "CA-3" was released. The volume adjustment system without power loss of which the technology was patented was adopted.
  • MC phono cartridge, Phase Tech "P-3G" was released. It was an upgraded version of "P-3". Neodymium magnet was replaced with samarium-cobalt one and pure iron polepiece was replaced with permendur.


  • Semiconductor system preamplifier, Phase Tech "CA-3P" was released. CR type phono equalizer (MM/MC acceptable type) was adopted. The volume adjustment system without power loss which was the original technology was adopted.
  • MC phono cartridge, Phase Tech "P-1G" was released. It was an upgraded version of "P-1". The homogeneity of the magnetic field was enhanced because the yoke-shape for magnetic circuit was designed again. The stainless base was replaced with the carved titanium base and it was coated with DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) having high hardness. The rosewood body was replaced with ebony wood.
  • Semiconductor system phono equalizer, Phase Tech "EA-5" was released. The MM and MC systems can be accepted.


  • Two passive attenuators, Phase Tech "CM-1" and "CM-1s" were released. The volume adjustment system combining the transformer and the precision resistors of which the technology is patented was adopted.
  • Semiconductor system preamplifier, Phase Tech "CA-3II" was released. One power transformer for an analog circuit was used in the previous product "CA-3"; however, in this "CA-3II", four power transformer systems for L & R and positive & negative was adopted (5 transformers by adding the transformer for control system). The volume adjustment system without power loss of which the technology is patented was adopted.
  • AC power supply only for EA-5, "PS -EA5" was released.


  • D/A converter, Phase Tech Digital "HD-7A" was released. It can accept a USB input.
  • Clock generator, Phase Tech Digital "HD-7Rb" was released.
  • Semiconductor phono equalizer, Phase Tech "EA-3II" was released. The MM and MC systems can be accepted. Low impedance was achieved by adopting an 80,000µF electrolytic capacitor because of the new design for the power circuit PCB. The high rigidity was enhanced thoroughly. So a 1.2mm chassis base made of a copper plating steel plate was replaced with a 1.6mm one. The steel top cover was replaced with an aluminum one and the 6mm front panel was replaced with a 10mm one.
  • Passive attenuator, Phase Tech "CM-3" was released. The volume adjustment system combining the transformer and precision resistors of which the technology is patented was adopted.
  • Tube monaural power amplifier, Phasemation "MA-1" was released. It has a 35W output for 16, 8 and 4 ohms. Five tubes, one 6SN7, one 300B, one 845, and two 5R4s are used. WE300B made in 1988 was adopted as a driver tube for an output tube 845 and drives the transformer-coupled 845. The independent two-power-supply system was adopted for the driver stage and output stage. The different power supplies are respectively supplied through respective power transformers and choke coils. For all heaters for tubes, the DC ignition system using an IC regulator was adopted.
    * We announced that our brand name "Phase Tech" is changed to "Phasemation" in order of high-end instrument.


  • Headphone amplifier, "EPA-007" was released.
  • Passive attenuator, "CM-1000", was released. "CM-1" was improved. The core size and laminated core thickness of the autotransformer and others are redesigned.
  • D/A convertor, "HD-7A192" was released. The HD-7A was improved. The power supply was electrically enhanced and 192kHz/24bit input can be accepted from a USB jack.
  • D/D (Digital to Digital) convertor, "HD-7D192" was released. 192kHz/24bit input can be accepted from a USB jack.
  • Head shell, "CS-1000" was released. It was designed so as to be lighter and a higher sound quality than CS-1.
  • Made-to-order model Monaural power amplifier, SignatureSeries "PT-91" was released.
  • Made-to-order model Monaural power amplifier, SignatureSeries "PT-300S" was released.
  • Made-to-order model Monaural power amplifier, SignatureSeries "PT-23A" was released.
  • MC phono cartridge, "PP-1000" was released. "P-1G" was restyled a little. The shape of front yoke used for magnetic circuit consisting of samarium-cobalt magnet and permendur was redesigned; thereby, the homogeneity of magnetic field was enhanced. The base made of stainless and housing made of duralumin were adopted.


  • MC monaural phone cartridge, "PP-Mono", was released. The monaural model has been awaited for a long time.
  • MC phono cartridge, "PP-300" was released. This was a new basic model including the knowhow of PP-1000.
  • Tube phono equalizer consisting monaural system, "EA-1000", was released. The set consists of the three chassis; so, there are two independent amplifier units for L & R and power supply unit. MM and MC systems can be accepted. (Switchable between less than 10 ohms and more than 10 ohms) Seven tubes, four 12AX7, two 12AU7 and one 5R4G were used.


  • Stepup transformer, "T-300" was released. The EI core made of super permalloy was adopted.
  • Phono equalizer, "EA-200" was released. The non-feedback current amplifier circuit was loaded. The all constituting parts are discrete parts. Its gains are 63dB for MC and 38dB for MM.
  • Tube monaural power amplifier, "MA-1000" was released. It has 10W+10W output for 8 and 4 ohms. Three tubes, one ECC803, one 2A3-40 and one 5R4GA, were used.


  • Power supply unit only for EA-1000, "PS-1000" was released.
  • Phono equalizer, "EA-300" was released.
    "EA-3II" was improved as follows. The non-feedback current amplifier circuit was loaded. The all constituting parts are discrete parts. Three equalizer curves were installed. Its gains are 65dB for MC and 38dB for MM.
  • Two balanced phono cables, "CC-1000D and CC-1000R" were released.
  • Step-up transformer, "T-500" was released. The MC balanced connection can be accepted. The EI core made of super permalloy was adopted.
  • Headphone amplifier, "EPA-007x", was released. The jacks for connecting balanced cables were added.
  • Tube preamplifier consisting of monaural units, "CA-1000" was released. The set consists of the three chassis so there are two independent amplifier units for L & R and one unit containing the power supply and control sections. The passive attenuator was loaded. Five tubes, two 12AX7, two 6922 and one 5U4G are used.


  • The Nippa business establishment was opened and "Phasemation" relocated.
  • Semiconductor system phono equalizer amplifier, "EA-500" was released. It consists of two independent units for L & R. Three equalizer curves are installed. Three input systems and its balanced cable can be accepted.
  • For Control amplifier, CA-1000, we received the prize, "Industrial technology glittering with a gleam in 9 prefecture and city" in 2015.
  • MC phono cartridge, "PP-2000" was released. Consisting of samarium-cobalt magnet and permendur was inherited from "PP-1000". The shape of yoke used for a magnetic circuit consisting of them was redesigned. Therefore the homogeneity of magnetic field was enhanced and the power generation efficiency was enhanced. The vibration system was also newly designed such as adopting the stringently selected damping material. The features of "PP-1000" are brushed up and inherited.
  • Power unit gold version able to be added especially to EA-1000, "PS-1000G" was released.


  • MC cartridge, "PP-500", was released.
  • Tube monaural power amplifier, "MA-2000" was released.


  • Stepup Transformer, "T-2000", was released.
  • Tube monaural power amplifier, "MA-1500" was released.


  • Control Meister, "CM-2000", was released.
  • Phono Amplifier, "EA-350" was released.


  • Phono Amplifire, "EA-550", was released.
  • Stepup Transformer, "T-1000" was released.


  • Degausser, "DG-100", was released.
  • Stepup Transformer, "T-550", was released.
  • Tube type LCR phono equalizer consisting 6 units system, "EA-2000", was released.


  • Stepup Transformer, "T-320", was released.
  • Tube type LCR phono equalizer consisting 3 units system, "EA-1200", was released.


  • Phono amplifier, "EA-320", was released.


  • Phono amplifier, "EA-220", was released.
  • Monaural power amplifire, "MA-5000", was released.


  • SA-1500” stereo integrated amplifier using 300B triode vacuum tube released.
  • Released the “CM-1500” hybrid passive preamplifier with 6dB gain that makes the “Control Meister” more affordable